I specialize in…

treating patients with hip, low back and SI pain - including labral tears, PAO, bursitis, radiculopathy, disc injuries etc. and have also had 4 years+ of experience treating orthopedic injuries. I also have extensive knowledge and experience in manual therapy, sports rehab/return to sport, strength & conditioning, pediatric injuries, post surgical rehab, and blood flow restriction therapy (BFRT).

My approach to physical therapy is to create a 1:1 environment with ME (your physical therapist!) to provide a very holistic approach to care, utilizing functional dry needling, graston technique, therapeutic cupping and corrective exercise to get you up and back on your feet! I believe in a whole body approach, and affirm that many ailments of the outer body are directly correlated to the inner body, and am dedicated to using an integrated approach to help my patients feel wholly better.